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Edgio Highlighted as a Major Player in New IDC Report Outlining Priority Considerations for Cloud Platform Capabilities

By: Peter Granger | April 13, 2023
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The IDC Market Perspective, Priority Considerations for Cloud Platform Capabilities in 2023 and Beyond (Doc # US50417022, March 2023) evaluates Cloud Platforms and Cloud-Native PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) Solutions by Category in the overall Cloud and PaaS marketplace, shares industry trends, and assesses vendors within it. Edgio is proud to be included in the category of “Major Cloud Platforms with Collections of Developer-Centric Services.”

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IDC identified several customer requirements that cloud vendors need to meet, including security, data residency, privacy, scalability (including serverless), the ability to scale reliability and flexibility sustainably, rapid iteration and delivery, as well as data services in support of AI/ML.

“Web development teams face increasingly complex environments that take more time to manage than they contribute in productivity, driving top developers to leave their organizations in frustration,” said Lara Greden, Research Director, PaaS, at IDC. “Their organizations suffer lost revenue due to customer dissatisfaction with low-performing websites and applications, with root causes of security and delivery-focused productivity problems. Platforms like Edgio Applications that enable progressive delivery allow them to focus on the things that matter most to their end-users, helping to ensure their own satisfaction and their companies’ success.”

IDC goes on to highlight research showing priority factors that might make organizations consider changing cloud platform vendors. Security was the number one response from a survey of over 400 organizations.

This research from IDC highlights that cloud platform services/PaaS spending is among the areas least likely to be impacted by recessionary pressures. This is in part because cloud-first approaches are the norm for the development of new, innovative capabilities. In addition, organizations that have already adopted cloud are measuring business benefits across vectors of efficiency, productivity and, most importantly, revenue generation. IDC expects to see more focus on revenue-enabling business value for cloud as organizations continue to prioritize innovation that delivers value to their customers.

Download the full report for additional details and recommended actions.

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