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Diagnose Serverless Memory Issues

By: Edgio | July 12, 2021
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Introducing Serverless Deep Request Inspect for the Jamstack

layer0 serverless

Layer0's Serverless Deep Request Inspect

With Layer0’s Request inspection, you can view the method, headers, and body of every incoming request to your serverless code, as well as the final response that’s generated. Even better, you also can view this same detailed network information for every upstream API request your serverless code makes.  Learn more about this feature in our blog through the button below.


Diagnose Serverless Memory Issues

memory issues

Serverless Memory Issues

As we described in the blog post announcing DRI, serverless is the key to scaling the Jamstack, so better ways to observe serverless code are critically important.

Our latest enhancement lets developers track their serverless code’s memory usage to diagnose and avoid out-of-memory issues, especially in production code, where these issues may occur intermittently or gradually over time. Best of all, the Layer0 platform understands the application’s framework, so it automatically displays this data based on your app’s routes in addition to showing it over time.

Improve Your Core Web Vitals


Pinpoint Cumulative Layout Shifts (CLS) 

The JavaScript Jam podcast recently interviewed two engineers on the Chrome team for Google’s Core Web Vitals. Our discussion highlighted how Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is one of the diagnosis's trickiest metrics. In particular, tools like Lighthouse can’t track issues that occur after page load, so developers are often left in the dark to diagnose layout shifts that happen after the page is rendered.

We’ve solved this by enhancing our real-time Core Web Vitals RUM to indicate each route's most commonly shifted page element. This should help developers isolate the culprit in pages with poor CLS scores. *This and the rest of our Core Web Vitals RUM is free even if you aren’t hosting your site on Layer0.

Layer0 Supports Next.js 11

nayer0 next

Layer0 support Next.js 11

Next.js 11 was an exciting release with both developer experience and performance enhancements to the popular React-based framework. We’ve validated Layer0 support for Next.js and updated our examples to Next.js 11.

Configure Redirects without Code

On Layer0, redirects are served directly from the network edge, which maximizes performance since they are generated closer to the end users. We’ve enhanced this feature, allowing you to configure redirects at the environment level within the Layer0 Developer Console. Now anyone on your team, non-developers included, can configure redirects for things like merchandising, marketing and SEO without writing a line of code.


Deep Request Inspection on Layer0

Deeply inspect every HTTP request your site makes with Layer0's Serverless Deep Request Inspection.


Panel Debate: What is Jamstack?

"The Jamstack" was coined back in 2016, originally defined as: A modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup. However, most websites are built with this architecture, which is why the Jamstack definition continues to evolve. Watch Jeff Escalante (HashiCorp), Sean C. Davis (Stackbit), Brian Rinaldi (StepZen), Miriam Schwab (Strattic), and Ishan Anand (Layer0) debate the Jamstack definition in a panel moderated by Mark Brocato (Layer0).

Watch the Debate

How to Measure My Site's Core Web Vitals

measure web vitals

How to Measure Your Core Web Vitals

When a site passes Core Web Vitals, users are 24% less likely to abandon pages. That being said, any website owner can and should measure these metrics. Read this simple guide to quickly understand whether your site passes or fails Core Web Vitals.

The Challenges of the Modern Web & Getting Ahead


Webinar: The Challenges of the Modern Web & Getting Ahead

Learn the benefits of Jamstack architecture, modern cloud platforms, and what it takes to make a transition. Join leaders from Fastly, Layer0, E2X, Vue Storefront and the MACH Alliance.

Watch the Webinar

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