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How Edge Insights Enables Interactive, Real-Time Security and Performance Visibility

December 1, 2021
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Real-time and interactive analytics is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive while ensuring high-quality end-user experiences. Building on our suite of real-time analytics solutions, we’re pleased to announce the beta launch of Edge Insights – our unified performance and security analytics solution.

Edge Insights enables our customers to ask almost any question of their available analytics and use its multi-dimensional filtering to drill down to the answers needed in near real-time. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Does marketing need to know if the software update files posted this morning are being downloaded successfully from the edge in Latin America?

  • Does the e-commerce team want to understand which cities contributed to a traffic spike an hour ago for its e-commerce website?

  • Does the network team want more information on why a particular domain returned 504 responses yesterday? And from which region?

Edge Insights enables team members to easily generate links to dashboards or queries that can be shared and viewed by other team members in a browser. And in the future, customers may also be able to integrate these custom queries into their applications via a set of public APIs.

Edge Insights was born out of an internal desire to have real-time, high-level visibility and analytics over everything happening on our network. When we realized how powerful it was, we decided to put that power in the hands of our customers so they could see how the Edgecast, now Edgio, CDN could help them achieve their business goals.


Edge Insights supports queries regarding cache profiles, autonomous system numbers (ASNs), request rates, file extensions, and more.

Edge Insights facilitates troubleshooting and enables customers to make better-informed business decisions based on their delivery and security data. It allows arbitrary filtering, slicing, and dicing across downsampled delivery and security logs on any field. Additional capabilities include relationship mapping between content and PoP locations. And a dynamic key value infrastructure that enables you to submit unique queries with the results represented in dynamic data visualizations is available for download in JSON format.

Edge Insights addresses our customers' expectations for extensive delivery insights and builds on our broad analytics portfolio of solutions, including Real-Time Log Delivery (RTLD), Real-Time Stats and Report Builder. Together, they provide unparalleled visibility into how Edgio is performing and behaving.

Contact us today to learn more about how Edge Insights can improve your business intelligence.

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