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Mattress Firm Rests Easy After Experiencing a Significant Boost in Site Performance Using Edgio Applications Platform

By: Edgio | May 25, 2023
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Mattress Firm, the nation’s largest omni-channel mattress specialty retailer, has transitioned from its previous web CDN provider to Edgio – a move aimed at boosting the company’s overall site performance. With the help of Edgio's Applications Platform, specifically the Performance component, Mattress Firm experienced an impressive 56 percent improvement in site performance according to Google Core Web Vitals.

Google has established Core Web Vitals as a means of gauging and comprehending what defines a positive user experience. These standardized metrics are used to assess the real-life user experience on a website. One such metric is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which determines when the most sizable content item in the viewport becomes visible.

Prior to adopting Edgio, Mattress Firm relied on a competitive CDN provider to deliver its site. By switching to Edgio, the company was able to achieve sub-second performance through innovative features such as effortless caching of dynamic content and predictive prefetching into the browser. Consequently, the organization experienced improvements in its Core Web Vitals, particularly in LCP.

“We are excited to partner with Mattress Firm to help them deliver a fast, secure, and reliable online experience to their customers,” said Ajay Kapur, CTO/GM of Applications for Edgio. “Our Applications platform is designed to meet the needs of today’s high-stakes online businesses, and we are confident that Mattress Firm will continue to see the benefits of our platform as they grow their online presence.”

With more than 60 percent of all shopping experiences – whether completed in-store or on the web–starting online, it’s crucial for retailers such as Mattress Firm, to have high-performing sites.

"Delivering an exceptional digital experience is crucial for any business operating in today's online world," said Jacob Golder, Vice President of Software Development for Mattress Firm. "Our website is our brand's gateway, and it needs to perform optimally to drive conversions and revenue. With the Edgio Applications Platform, our site is now lightning-fast, and our releases have become much easier to roll out."

Want to learn how you too can empower your team to deliver lightning-fast sub-second websites that boost conversions, revenue, and traffic? Talk to one of our experts and book a demo today!

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