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Spotlight on First Team Leaders: Rob Wakerly

By: Edgio | October 14, 2022
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Q&A with Rob Wakerly, Director Product Delivery

We're starting a new series featuring members of our First Team from around the world! This week we sat down with Rob Wakerly, Director Product Delivery.

Describe your leadership style:

My leadership style is focused on supporting people to grow, be empowered to learn and do, and overcome challenges. I create forums for everyone to share their concerns and ideas and learn from each other. I want to make sure people understand my expectations of them and have the tools, resources, and support to succeed. I get involved in details so that I can coach and mentor with more context and relevance.

What do you love about working at Edgio?

I love that we get things done here. People are focused on our clients, making things work, collaborating with each other to figure things out, and most of all are supportive of and learning from each other.

What excites you about the future?

I’m excited about our go-to-market strategy. It’s great that it’s regularly communicated by our executives to our teams here, and is something that I believe will make us win with our clients and in the market. I am excited by the changes I see our company making to get the right people in place to deliver on our strategy. I’m seeing positive changes both in our capability groups and in central company functions, in support of our clients, teams, and people.

Share a fun fact about yourself or something you enjoy doing outside of work.

Outside of work I play basketball two times a week, coordinate four feet on the ballroom floor dancing with my wife, enjoy taking my 6yo son and 8yo daughter to the park and ice cream, and appreciate living close to extended family in Chicagoland.

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Rob’s team is growing! Check out our current openings and apply today.

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