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What Does It Mean to be Client Obsessed?

By: Edgio | January 12, 2023
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Peter Gallagher

An Interview with Peter Gallagher, Edgio’s Chief Customer Officer

At Edgio, we are proudly and vehemently client obsessed and thrive on delivering value to our clients as experts in our field. The work we do and the products and services we provide empower businesses to achieve their goals, solve their biggest challenges, and propel their successes at the edge.

Leading this charge is Peter Gallagher, our Chief Customer Officer. We recently sat down with Peter to discuss what being client obsessed means to him and what helps drive his career in client success. Peter also shares the importance of continually improving our client services to successfully deliver on our promises through a proactive approach focused on performance, responsiveness, and enablement.

Read more from Peter below.

What does being client obsessed mean to you?

Being client obsessed means developing a clear understanding of how clients deliver value to their consumers/customers. It is critical that, as their business partner, we understand our role in executing this value proposition.

What is something that helps drive your career in client success?

My background in consulting helped me develop a culture grounded in defining tangible solutions with measurable outcomes for clients as we worked to solve their problems. At Edgio, it is great to be at the center of the value chain for our clients and to execute on these outcomes.

What's most important to you when you're sitting in the client's seat, with providers, products, or services you use? What's your philosophy/approach to building a world-class client success organization?

As a client, I want my partners to understand my business and measure services in the context of my success. Tracking internal business and operational metrics for SaaS platforms is an important part of managing a successful organization. Leading client success organizations understand how to correlate platform metrics to clients' measures of value. Measuring product and platform performance is only one piece of the puzzle. Clients are also focused on the level of service you provide. Being proactive and delivering on your promises are essential.

What have you seen change most in client expectations and the ability of providers to deliver on those expectations?

Clients want to operate in a self-service model as much as possible. Access to platform/system documentation must be easy in a developer-centric ecosystem. Access to data and information about platform performance and operations is important for clients to have direct control over the configurations required to use our Edgio platforms.

Where do you feel Edgio has the most significant opportunity for improvement?

Edgio needs to continue to build off of existing efforts to improve responsiveness. Clients are interested in partners that can identify opportunities and issues using a proactive approach. This is a culture that exists already within Edgio and needs to extend across all teams.

What three tenets of client success are you most focused on as we improve every aspect of client experience with Edgio?

Performance, Responsiveness, and Enablement.

  • Performance is driving the data and correlation between client outcomes and our own platform measures.

  • Responsiveness is a measure of how proactive we are with clients and how frequently we meet our commitments to service them.

  • Enablement is how we advance a self-service model where customers can truly take advantage of a developer-centric ecosystem.

As you can see, nothing about who we are and what we do matters if we’re not centered on our value to our clients, the problems we can help them solve, and the solutions and services we can provide to help fuel their success. 

Want to learn more? Contact us today to learn how Edgio can help you flawlessly deliver your digital experiences to your end users.

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