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Client Story


June 1, 2021
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AKIRA Goes Instant and Nearly Doubles Mobile Transactions with Edgio and Bolt Checkout

AKIRA first opened its doors in 2002 as a women’s boutique store and has since expanded to offer a full line of women’s clothing, footwear and accessories in 27 locations. Today, the fashion retailer delights consumers with an engaging, sub-second Magento store with Edgio's application solutions and an optimized checkout provided by Bolt.

AKIRA goes instant on Edgio

AKIRA sped up its mobile site by 71%+ and is reaping the benefits of a sub-second website: reduced bounce rates, increased organic traffic, improved conversion rate and an overall improved experience for shoppers. First-page loads are down from nearly 5 seconds to just north of 1 second, with subsequent pages loading in 500 milliseconds. More importantly, half of AKIRA’s Magento site loads in less than 500 milliseconds on mobile (as measured by Largest Contentful Paint on 4G). This is quite the advantage in the extremely competitive eCommerce market, where the average mobile website takes 3-5 seconds to load.

AKIRA went instant through a combination of cutting-edge tech built into Edgio, including server-side rendering support and AMP conversion for modern frontends (i.e. progressive web apps / single-page applications) to ensure lightning-fast page loads from landing through checkout. Predictable prefetching and a modern CDN with edge computing capabilities allow AKIRA to stream dynamic data to the edge, so it is ready in the visitor’s browser before they even request the page. This ensures an instant experience where your website remains 5 seconds ahead of consumers’ taps.

akira layer0-before-the-tap





Ecommerce, Retail

Company Size


Results with Edgio & Bolt Checkout:

  • Website is 71% faster on Edgio

  • 500ms browsing speeds on 4G networks

  • +30.1% organic traffic from sub-seconds website

  • +61.4% checkout initiations with a streamlined online experience

  • +80% mobile transactions leading to a 37.25% lift in conversion rate

  • 9.16% lift to checkout conversions with Bolt's optimized checkout

ShopAkira.com’s unprecedented speeds have driven a 30.1% year-over-year (YoY) growth in mobile organic traffic and reduced bounce rates by 8.4% compared to the legacy site. More people have reached the site from search and remained on-site, and the ratio of visitors that completed a purchase has also increased.

AKIRA optimizes the buying experience with Bolt Checkout

Since going live with the instant Magento site, the mobile conversion rate has seen a 37.25% YoY increase. This dramatic lift results from the retailer's emphasis on providing an exceptional experience to its website visitors. AKIRA has optimized the mobile shopping experience end-to-end with a sub-second website on Edgio's application solutions and a streamlined path-to-purchase using Bolt Checkout.

AKIRA is driving more traffic further down the path to purchase with its instant website. Once a visitor adds a product to their cart and initiates checkout, Bolt’s optimized mobile checkout comes into play. The Bolt Checkout compels a larger portion of visitors that initiate checkout to continue and complete their purchase. In fact, AKIRA has seen nearly doubled mobile transactions with Bolt and Edgio due to pairing sub-second site speeds with Bolt's streamlined checkout.

Overall, the retailer has seen mobile checkout initiations grow by an astonishing 61.4% YoY—but that’s not all. The number of shoppers who've completed their purchase on the mobile site has grown by a whopping 80% YoY with Bolt. Lastly, AKIRA’s mobile checkout conversion rate has seen a substantial lift with Bolt Checkout, with a 9.16% YoY lift in the rate at which visitors that initiate checkout complete their purchase.

Bolt is a hosted checkout for eCommerce designed to improve the user experience across all devices. Bolt checkout provides a simple, no-scroll experience for your shoppers that decreases the time it takes to complete a purchase by 40%+ for guest checkout while providing a one-click logged-in checkout experience for returning customers and shoppers in the Bolt network.

akira website bolt checkout

Bolt checkout’s near-instant load times are 10x faster than the industry average, so shoppers can complete the checkout process 1.5-2x faster than the average native checkout. This helps reduce shopper abandonment. This is done by avoiding any unnecessary friction in the checkout process, like redirects, unnecessary fields, long load times, and additional checkout pages, and simplifying the architecture in which it is built.

AKIRA has chosen to invest in its customers. Optimizing the mobile shopping experience end-to-end, the retailer has seen substantial growth in visibility, traffic, checkout initiations, and transactions on mobile. This top-of-funnel and bottom-line growth results from the marriage of exceptional site speed and a streamlined checkout experience. AKIRA drives more visitors to the site and nudges a larger portion further down the path to purchase on Edgio. Once they add a product to their cart and click the checkout button, Bolt’s optimized checkout kicks in, driving more visitors to complete their purchase and bottom-line growth.

Edgio + Bolt = end-to-end website optimization.

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