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Client Story


January 11, 2022
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Increasing the performance and security of a key financial market.

BSE (formerly known as the Bombay Stock Exchange) powers India’s traders, companies, brokers, and online services with real-time data that informs billions of transactions. Learn how we optimized the BSE’s performance and security to help the Indian and global economy.


Bseindia.com delivers dynamic stock, currency, and debt pricing data, which is updated continuously in real time to thousands of software systems and brokers across India. For the BSE, security, speed and reliability are not an option – they are essential for every user across India’s vast geography. But their challenge was more than just caching and accelerating website content. BSE’s information systems attract a barrage of application attacks by bad actors intent on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in the exchange. Legacy firewall technologies weren’t keeping up with the evolving application stack, so the user experience suffered. And security engineering struggled to keep firewall rules ahead of the evolving threats. BSE required:






  • Zero latency in data transfers

  • Security for their applications and DNS across multiple threat vectors

  • Agile software development and change management

  • Scalable, flexible application security


Using a unique Super PoP architecture in strategically placed interconnects across India’s telecom infrastructure, Edgio's platform optimized acceleration of dynamic content transfer at scale, such as uncacheable BSE content, including stock prices and data transfers across open APIs with brokers and third-party software systems.

Edgio’s Dual WAF ensures that the BSE is as secure as it is fast. The dual WAF minimizes false positives by using an exclusive parallel firewall instance, enabling BSE to rapidly test and propagate rule updates on production traffic without impacting users. With these new features and the powerful analytics and tools we provided, BSE transformed its CI/CD processes to improve turnaround times for new enhancements and configuration updates while strengthening its security agility.

By deploying Route DNS, one of the fastest DNS available, we improved the speed of DNS resolution while maintaining DNSSEC so that health checks could occur and routing decisions could be made in real time.


Edgio's superior network interconnects and acceleration software significantly improved web page response and loading times, with gains of over 30% in certain underserved metro regions. By utilizing an array of detailed performance metrics and analytics information, BSE improved cache hit ratios, reduced traffic back to its origin, controlled infrastructure costs, and increased ROI. Dual WAF and rate limiting reduced malicious traffic and further reduced the load on back-end infrastructure, improving the efficiency of their operations. Edgio's platform helped BSE realize impressive results.

  • Improved country-wide performance by as much as 30%

  • Consistent origin offload of more than 75%

  • Reduced infrastructure costs by more than 50%

  • Simplified change management

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