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Client Story


October 11, 2017
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Cinedigm needed to increase the number of video rendition files but wanted to do so at a reasonable cost.


Edgio Streaming to support Cinedigm video on-demand and live streaming needs to convert, store and optimize delivery of all its content in the vast library of 60,000 movies and TV shows.





Media & Entertainment

OTT service Cinedigm turns to Edgio to improve workflow, reduce costs and prepare for growth

Cinedigm is a leading independent content distributor in the United States, with direct relationships across many digital platforms and retail storefronts, including iTunes, Netflix, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target, as well as their direct-to-consumer platform. Cinedigm has a distribution library of over 60,000 film and TV episodes. The company has emerged as a leader in the fast-growing over-the-top (OTT) channel business, with three channels under management that reach hundreds of millions of devices while also providing premium content and service expertise to the entire OTT ecosystem.

“The complexity of managing an OTT service is pretty high. [Edgio]'s CDN infrastructure simplifies our workflows and allows us to focus on providing more content for our customers and drive more revenue for our business.’’

Tony Huidor, Vice President, Product & Digital Operations

Cinedigm Challenge:

Cinedigm’s rapidly growing OTT services currently have more than 5,000 hours combined of video programming. The content delivery service (CDN) they were using limited the video rendition files they could output, resulting in a less-than-optimal customer viewing experience on some devices. To improve their customers’ viewing experiences and reduce buffering, Cinedigm needed to increase the number of video rendition files but wanted to do so at a reasonable cost. With a fragmented workflow and escalating transcoding costs, Cinedigm began looking for a new CDN solution to help them encode, store and deliver their large library of movies and TV shows.

Cinedigm Solution:

Cinedigm found an integrated solution with Edgio Steaming to support its video-on-demand and live-streaming needs. The solution uses Edgio's CDN to deliver live and video-on-demand events at broadcast quality to any device, anywhere. It allows Cinedigm to convert, store and optimize the delivery of all its content in its vast library of 60,000 movies and TV shows.

Key benefits Cinedigm gained with Edgio include:

Improved Workflow

With Edgio, Cinedigm no longer has a fragmented workflow and their staff can now focus on optimizing user engagement and content rather than managing the back-end.

Cost Savings

Previously, Cinedigm had a limit on monthly transcoding volumes and would incur overage fees of up to $15,000 a month when they had spikes in the volume of monthly published titles. With Edgio, they significantly reduced transcoding costs.

Improved Customer Experience

Since implementing Edgio's CDN and Origin Storage Services, Cinedigm has been accelerating content delivery, leading to improved customer experience and retention.

More Format Options

Now Cinedigm can deliver content to over 60 million devices, including Google Chromecast, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV.

Customer Support

Working with Edgio, Cinedigm has a direct relationship with the support and account teams and has leveraged its Advance Service Architects to implement the optimal workflow and remain nimble as the business expands.

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