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Client Story


June 9, 2015
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Handling increased global demand for tutorial downloads.


Edgio Delivery and Storage services – Partner with a leading content delivery network (CDN) that provides optimized global content delivery.

CoachGuitar Delivers Lessons That Help Customers Play Like the Pros

Most young app development companies dream of being selected as “Best App” in Apple App Stores worldwide. It was a dream come true for CoachGuitar. This three-year-old company, based in France, offers a unique method of teaching guitar enthusiasts of all skill levels how to play their favorite songs. Using the visual guitar teaching app, millions of students from around the globe download video tutorials and learn to play along.

“We are happy to position [Edgio] as a valued partner when speaking with our customers. [Edgio] takes the worry out of delivering the best experience possible to our audience. We have more customers and happier customers.”

Antoine Mercier, Chief Product Officer - CoachGuitar

CoachGuitar Challenge: Handling increased global demand for tutorial downloads







A three-year-old company, based in France, offers a unique method of teaching guitar enthusiasts of all skill levels how to play their favorite songs. Using the visual guitar teaching app, millions of students from around the globe download video tutorials and learn to play along.

Fueled by becoming a featured app, CoachGuitar recently exceeded 3 million downloads. Their typical traffic of 2000-3000 downloads per day recently surpassed 40,000 downloads per day. In addition, their customers’ experience and learning ability demand no lag or delay in the video. “Thank God we had Edgio behind us!” said Antoine Mercier, chief product officer at CoachGuitar. “We were able to handle this tremendous spike in traffic without worry.”

CoachGuitar’s Solution: Edgio Delivery and Storage services – Partner with a leading content delivery network (CDN) that provides optimized global content delivery

To accomplish their growth strategy, CoachGuitar needed a CDN provider who could help them deliver high-quality video and expand into new markets worldwide. They chose Edgio's CDN and Storage services for many reasons, including:


After being named a “Best App” on the Apple App Store, their traffic expanded exponentially. When traffic spikes occur, CoachGuitar needs elastic bandwidth to manage unpredictable demand.

Global reach

Using Edgio they were able to enter new markets and gain new customers, especially in the UK and APAC regions. This was an important expansion goal for growing the company.


With a library of over 300 lessons, they have a storage solution that serves tutorials in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

High performance

CoachGuitar’s primary customer demographic of 18-35-year-olds has very little patience for long download times. Any delay in streaming video would impact their business and customers’ ability to learn.


CoachGuitar was looking for a company to support them long-term as they expand their offerings. As a growing company, they wanted an established partner open to exchanging ideas and offering advice.

Multi-device distribution

CoachGuitar’s app is available on iOS and Android platforms, so they needed a global partner that can consistently deliver content to anyone, anywhere in the world, on their device of choice.

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