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Client Story


July 10, 2018
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Faurecia Depends On Edgio For Fast Website Experiences Worldwide

Faurecia is a global automotive equipment and technology leader located in France. Faurecia is a major player in the global automotive industry with 290 sites, including 30 R&D centers and 109,000 employees in 35 countries. The company is a global leader in its three areas of business: automotive seating, interior systems and clean mobility and has focused its technology strategy on providing solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility.

Faurecia’s Challenge:

Faurecia wanted to ensure reliability and the best website performance to deliver dynamic content worldwide.






“Speed and stability of our website are keys to our success. It’s essential for us that our customers are able to come to our website and quickly access information. Edgio helps us seamlessly deliver content to our customers around the world.”

Olivier Dumont, Group Digital Communications - Faurecia

Faurecia’s Solution:

Faurecia chose Edgio's content delivery network (CDN) with website acceleration and HTTPS for:

Fast Website Experiences:

Edgio's website acceleration technology allows Faurecia.com visitors to instantly access the detailed information they need to learn more about the company’s services and solutions.

Global Delivery:

With an ever-expanding global customer base on all continents, Faurecia can count on Edgio's private network and innovative technology to avoid potential congestion and reliably deliver content worldwide.

Easy Content Removal:

Using Edgio's SmartPurge, Faurecia can improve workflows and easily remove unwanted content globally in under two seconds.


Faurecia counts on Edgio for steady, reliable service and a platform that can scale with them. Faurecia can easily deliver its websites to new countries and seamlessly handle spikes in online traffic.

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