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Client Story

mitsubachiworks inc.

May 1, 2017
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A growing user base and richer content required more servers, driving up costs and workload.


Reducing workload and cost while achieving high delivery quality with Edgio's Content Delivery Services.

mitsubachiworks: Proposing next-generation lifestyles – making it easy for users to get the most out of content with Edgio CDN services

mitsubachiworks inc. manages Decolog, one of Japan’s largest blog services for young women and a leading example of consumer-generated media (CGM) services. mitsubachiworks is also developing new businesses, including web service development, magazine publishing, and influencer marketing. Decolog alone has more than 3.4 million members and more than 5 million active users per month.





Media & Entertainment

"Over the last decade, smartphones and social media have had a dramatic impact on the way people live. We had to keep adding equipment and at the peak we had more than 400 servers. The more hardware we got, the greater the operation and admin workload became, not to mention the cost. Anticipating more user growth and further content enrichment, we knew we’d hit a wall if we kept trying to deal with growth by adding hardware."

"Right at the time when we were thinking about replacing the old service, we had the good fortune of being introduced to Edgio’s services. Our CTO explained our circumstances and requested a proposal, and they came back with the flexible kind of contract and cost structure we needed."

Shigeto Moriyasu, Programmer - mitsubachiworks inc.

mitsubachiworks’ Challenge: a growing user base and richer content required more servers, driving up costs and workload

With the shift in user devices to smartphones and the evolution of content from text to high-definition images, mitsubachiworks started using a content delivery network (CDN) service in 2010 to ensure stable content delivery. Its audience was growing rapidly and content became increasingly sophisticated. With the near-total penetration of smartphones, content had evolved from mostly text to heavy use of high-definition images and the total volume of content was also skyrocketing. Before long, mitsubachiworks needed a more robust infrastructure to ensure continuous content delivery.

mitsubachiworks’ Solution: reducing workload and cost while achieving high delivery quality with Edgio content delivery services

In the search for a more flexible CDN service, mitsubachiworks discovered Edgio. During the evaluation process, testing confirmed that Edgio's dedicated private network for content delivery was more reliable and scalable than its previous CDN service. In addition, they were able to reduce costs and increase cache hit rates.

Key features mitsubachiworks benefit from include:


They achieved a highly reliable solution for delivering content and at a lower cost with no reduction in performance.

Improved workflow

Now daily operational, administrative, and troubleshooting of their content delivery servers is streamlined and managed by Edgio.


Cache hit rates are now consistently high, and origin servers are not overloaded even in peak hours.

Ease of use

Edgio's console is easy to use and view reports or change settings.

Customer support

In addition to making the transition easy, Edgio's team regularly and suggests ways to improve their services.

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