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Client Story

Network Next

February 6, 2019
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Network Next Is Making The Internet Better For Games With Edgio's Edge Cloud

Network Next is a start-up based in Santa Monica that recently raised $4.4 million to create a better internet for games. They’ve created a unique technology that finds the fastest, most consistent route for each player and are working closely with Edgio to make this vision a reality.






Network Next’s Challenge

The internet of today is not optimized for games. It favors static and streaming content, with heavy throughput demands, over real-time applications such as online multiplayer games, which require the lowest latency possible. Network Next is changing this through better, faster game performance.

Network Next’s Solution

Network Next’s technology integrates directly into a game and uses Edgio's edge cloud solution to provide players with the best online gaming experience. Network Next technology steers game traffic across Edgio's network via Edgio Points-of-Presence throughout the U.S. These edge nodes are directly connected to game origin data centers to significantly reduce latency and improve consistency for players.

"We’re making the internet better for games because to gamers, latency really matters. The difference between winning and losing in a game can be as little as 5 milliseconds. We’re excited to be working with Edgio who understands this challenge and the needs of our customers, and whose technology puts compute power at the edge. This allows us to dramatically reduce latency and significantly improve the gaming experience for players."

Glenn Fiedler, CEO - Network Next



Network Next uses Edgio's private backbone with direct connections to more than 1,000 ISPs and Edge Compute resources to make a better internet for games a reality.

Low Latency

Edgio's Edge Cloud helps place compute close to Network Next customers and eliminates the cost, complexity, and delays inherent in traditional cloud computing environments.

Flexible Compute Options

Edgio's Edge Compute services offer flexible compute and network connectivity options with direct access to Edgio's private IP backbone, peering relationships, and Content Delivery Network servers.

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