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Client Story


July 11, 2017
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The combination of a growing customer base and expanding file sizes dramatically increased the demand on its internal network.


The Edgio architecture supports a high cache hit rate, which results in superior CDN performance for NTT DOCOMO.

NTT DOCOMO Needed To Reduce The Burden Of Delivering Smartphone Firmware Updates And Improve Customer Service






NTT DOCOMO, Japan’s leading mobile operator, is one of the world’s foremost contributors of mobile network technologies. Beyond core communications services, NTT DOCOMO is challenging new frontiers in collaboration with a growing number of partners and creating exciting and convenient value-added services that change how people live and work.

"While we were in the process of considering which vendor to choose and then during testing as well, everything went smoothly thanks to Edgio’s quick responses. Testing was scheduled to take two weeks, but it was finished in one. Despite the tight schedule, we were able to implement the CDN Services in a very short period of time."

Manabu Sugihara, Manager, Service Control System Group Core Network Development Department R&D Innovation - NTT DOCOMO

NTT DOCOMO’S Challenge:

NTT DOCOMO is moving beyond conventional telecommunications services by leveraging 5G, VR, AI, IoT and other new technologies to enter new markets. At the same time, the company wanted to improve efficiency across operations. NTT DOCOMO was providing Android OS smartphone firmware updates using its own Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) server and adding servers and upgrading network capacity to accommodate traffic demands. The combination of a growing customer base and expanding file sizes dramatically increased the demand on its internal network.

NTT DOCOMO’S Solution:

NTT DOCOMO decided to move to a CDN to simultaneously scale to meet new business requirements. After extensive vendor reviews and internal testing, the company chose Edgio because it offered the best solution for fast, secure content delivery.

The Edgio architecture supports a high cache hit rate, which results in superior CDN performance for NTT DOCOMO. The company now has a more efficient delivery system and can easily handle unpredictable increases in file sizes and peak network delivery volume.

Key Features Offered to NTT DOCOMO Included:

High Performance

With high cache hit rates, NTT DOCOMO can provide exceptional customer experiences.


The Edgio CDN allows them to easily scale to handle more users, larger update files, and unpredictable traffic spikes.

Customer Service

Edgio’s customer service team helped NTT DOCOMO quickly implement its CDN and provides ongoing support.

Zero-Rated Traffic

Edgio provides the ability to distinguish fee-based from non-fee-based traffic.

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