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Client Story

Premier League Football Club

May 3, 2021
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How Edgio Helps Football Clubs Engage Fans

Video plays a vital role in football clubs. The key for those who successfully use video, is sharing content that simply cannot be seen anywhere else. Match footage and highlights, pre and post-match interviews and press conferences are all standard fare. Football clubs have first-class access to hundreds of hours of exclusive material that is spot on for passionate supporters. The most valuable commodity any football club has is its fanbase – provide them with a great engagement experience and they’ll stick with a club forever.

"If you haven’t got a CDN that protects you from traffic spikes that can come at you like a big tsunami wave, you will find that you will have outages. The implementation of the CDN solutions went very smoothly thanks to Edgio's expert team assisting along the way, from pre-planning through to completion.”

Senior Systems and Operations Manager, Premier League Football Club





Media & Entertainment, Sports

Premier League Football Club’s Challenge: How to Improve Performance and Quality of Experience for a Growing Fan Base

With fans worldwide and millions of daily page views, this top-flight premier league football club needed a platform to support a consistent and engaging digital experience on its website. To add to the challenge, it also needed to be ready, without notice, for quick spikes in site traffic that occur when fans look for information about who is playing that day, for live match commentary, match results, or post-match reports. Often without warning, thousands of unique visitors must be served within a small window of time.

The Solution: Edgio Delivery

Content Delivery Network solutions can manage video libraries and use the latest Video on Demand delivery technology to automatically convert streams to the correct OTT format, offloading the workflow complexity and providing your viewers with the highest quality video.

A premier league football club teamed up with Edgio for the following reasons:

  • Global reach and scalability - Edgio owns and operates one of the world’s largest private CDNs, enabling fans to bypass the congested public internet to ensure great digital experiences anywhere in the world.

  • Unmatched stability and performance - Ensuring that the club’s website is always available requires a CDN that scales to meet peak demands. Edgio can deliver a high-quality experience whenever fans request to view streaming videos, read static content, or look up game results.

  • Seamless implementation - Edgio’s expert technical implementation team hosted weekly calls directly with the club’s implementation team to build a comprehensive plan that resulted in a painless transition.

  • Mobile traffic delivery - Mobile is the biggest traffic source to the club website, especially in markets outside the UK and the rest of Europe. The requirement was for a CDN with a robust mobile solution to support its supporters on any mobile device.

  • Direct support - The Football Club wanted a vendor with a proven history of superior customer support and responsiveness. With Edgio, it has direct access to helpful technology experts for support around the clock.

  • Cost containment - The club balanced staying on budget and gaining the CDN functionality required at a competitive price.

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