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Playbook for Delivering High-Profile Streaming Events

Essential tips and best practices

January 7, 2021
Print Article

Original source: Limelight Networks

Ever wonder what it takes to support online events with millions of viewers? Here is a peek behind the curtain.

The way we consume video is rapidly changing. Fueled even more by stay-at-home orders and social distancing, online audiences for VOD and live streaming are growing at an astounding pace. But as demand for online video increases, delivering quality video over the internet to millions of viewers across the globe presents many challenges. That's where this eBook can help.

Learn essential tips and best practices related to:
  • Managing a large streaming project

  • Encoding live video for the first mile

  • Transcoding live video – preparing video for the last mile

  • Scaling to support large audiences

  • Supporting delivery of high-profile streaming events

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