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Applications Part Two: Protection, Performance, Productivity

By: Edgio | February 6, 2023
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Edgio Applications is a platform to build, accelerate and protect web apps and APIs at internet scale.

In part two of our Applications platform overview Ajay Kapur, Edgio's Chief Technology Officer, shares how Edgio Applications is a holistic platform that unifies your stack and workflow behind a single pane of glass, delivering outcomes that no cloud or edge vendor could ever match.


You can resolve attacks twice as fast because our unified workflow allows everyone WAF rule to update an audit mode against production, giving you confidence that you can push updates with a click of a button without blocking legitimate traffic.

Edgio uses machine learning to detect attacker behavior across sessions.


Our performance product allows websites to load in under a second. Our customers see huge revenue, it's sometimes over 50% through these nearly instant speeds.

Edgio's unified stack gives teams full control of the browser, the edge, and the server tiers allowing them to stream dynamic content to the browser from our edge, just a few seconds ahead of each tap. Our single pane of glass makes it easy to maintain these speeds while teams ship updates. Optimizing for speed is baked into every layer of our platform.


After upgrading to Edgio our customers safely released to production twice as often. Teams love that a full stack pre-production environment automatically gets created every time they commit code to their source control. It allows QA testers and product managers to find issues before they get released to production.

With point and click dark feature deploys and canary deploys, teams never again need to get on a twenty person zoom call at 2:00 AM with their edge vendor. Teams deploy safely during work hours and with far fewer issues. Our platform makes these deployments boring so teams can do them more often - customers just love these features. And, all of these superpowers are deployed on one of the world's largest edge networks that currently runs over 5% of all internet traffic.

Edgio Applications is the only platform that significantly improves revenue while helping your team ship faster and deliver the most secure public-facing experiences.

In part three of our Applications platform overview, Ajay talks about Edgio's holistic approach to web security and how we can partner with you to shield your business in the ever-evolving threat landscape. Watch now.

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